Saturday, January 23, 2010

Sterile Alcohol Can It Cause Someone To Be Infertile/sterile?

Can it cause someone to be infertile/sterile? - sterile alcohol

Then, the use of infertility drugs or cause a man / woman to be sterile? If so, is it permanent? (Drugs as a weed, acid, ecstasy, opium, alcohol, amphetamines [no prescription recreational ...], DMT, mushrooms, etc.)


Blue said...

I do not know much about some sterile, but impotent. The weed seeds can make a man sterile, so I heard.

BABY # 1 DUE 9/24/09 CANT WAIT!! said...

My aunt had hard drugs for years, when he was arrested and placed in rehabilitation. was clean for about a year later became pregnant with my cousin. She was 40 years old was, and now her daughter is 5 and more intelligent then all boys his age, he began to walk and talk, before most children is not very manly torn. so I do not believe that drugs can prevent children from my aunt showed.

ab. said...

to .. im not sure ... many of my friends smoke pot daily. and since then I'm like 12 ...

the man has his daughter pregnant.
and it was a child and another on the way ..
So do not believe that you make it sterile.

ab. said...

to .. im not sure ... many of my friends smoke pot daily. and since then I'm like 12 ...

the man has his daughter pregnant.
and it was a child and another on the way ..
So do not believe that you make it sterile.

seahorse... said...

Sexually transmitted infections and medications you can do inferile. use it varies between person and time was.

Monkey Future said...

Nah. The only thing you can make sterile Mountain Dew. Did not you know?

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